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Professional Development

This Professional Development webpage demonstrates my acknowledgment that school interpreting is it's own competence that I must be willing to hone throughout my professional practice. Even as a student of interpreting, I already realize the importance of professional development as a foundation of both the interpreting and educational fields (C10). Being an interpreter is being a life long learner.

School Interpreting Series (SIS) Standards

SIS Competency 10

Participate in academic activities that lead to the post-graduation pursuit of professional credentials, professional development in education and interpreting, and supervision and accountability. (Knowledge, Skill, & Attitude)

This page includes professional development for:​



This page also includes an overarching reflection.​


Interpreting Resources


          [Add introductory paragraph summarizing the topic and the contents of the resources selected.]



[Add each resource with title and hyperlink. Share the resource's purpose, it's importance, and how the resource is relevant to school interpreters and/or the fields of education and interpreting.]

          [Collectively explain what you learned from these resources, how you can use these resources in your future or current work as a school interpreter, and how these resources help you to better understand the educational system and a school interpreter's position and collaboration within the system. Connect explanation to the associated SIS Competencies.]


Professional Support Resources


          [Add introductory paragraph summarizing the topic and the contents of the resources selected.]



[Add each resource with title and hyperlink. Share the resource's purpose, it's importance, and how the resource is relevant to school interpreters and/or the fields of education and interpreting.]

          [Collectively explain what you learned from these resources, how you can use these resources in your future or current work as a school interpreter, and how these resources help you to better understand the educational system and a school interpreter's position and collaboration within the system. Connect explanation to the associated SIS Competencies.]


Overarching Reflection


[Add overarching reflection: Explain how these newsfeeds demonstrates the associated SIS Competency and how they contribute to your future or current work as a school interpreter.


Explain what you learn about yourself as both a person and a professional by creating, revising, and compiling the content of this webpage. Where are your strengths and how will these strengths benefit you in your future or current school interpreting work? Where are your shortcoming and how will these shortcomings challenge you in your future or current work? How have you grown in the stated SIS Competencies? Who and what contributed the most to this learning and in what ways? Where do you go from here both in the short- and long-term?


If you have received peer or instructor feedback on this webpage or it's artifacts, summarize the feedback. Explain how the feedback impacts the webpage / artifacts and, ultimately, your possession of the stated SIS Competency, your journey in school interpreting, and your employability and professional brand as a school interpreter. Outline steps you have taken and/or steps you need to take (and when) to make this a showcase webpage / artifacts.]



[Add reference list for source citations. Follow APA 7th edition.]



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