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Systems & Collaboration

This Systems & Collaboration webpage demonstrates my knowledge of education as a complex system. The system of education is made up of interconnected parts influenced by historical, legal, and social influences across time and proximity to people within the system (C1). As a member working in this complex system, this page also demonstrates my knowledge of and ability to respectfully collaborate with the educational team (C2) using my knowledge of educational theories and practices (C4) to effectively work within the school system. Collaboration with the educational team requires knowing other team members’ roles and responsibilities as well as contributions to the team (C2). Further, as an individual, I must be aware of my own positionality and bias (C7) and how this may impact my interactions with the team. Finally, the goal of the educational team is student success and empowerment; therefore, I must be aware of appropriate ways to advocate for working and learning environments (C9), while also following social and workplace norms.

School Interpreting Series (SIS) Standards

SIS Competency 1

Recognize how the history of U.S. public educational systems and structures, including educational laws, state regulations, and school protocols, impacts deaf and hard of hearing students.

SIS Competency 2

Demonstrate the ability to respectfully collaborate in public schools with the educational team in relationship to the role, responsibilities, and contributions of each member of the team.

SIS Competency 4

Recognize implemented educational theories and practices and appropriately manage interpreting services in a manner that aligns with the educational team member's efforts and ultimately supports the students.

SIS Competency 7

Recognize one’s own biases and the potential impacts on the integrity and quality of the interpreting services and on the relationships with other members of the educational team, including students and their families.

SIS Competency 9

Advocate respectfully for working and learning environments that result in conditions that foster student success and empowerment.

This page demonstrates my competence within Systems & Collaboration through:​





This page also includes an overarching reflection and references.​



  • Students & Families

    • Student Autonomy & Confidence​

    • Working & Learning Environments

    • Respecting Families

    • Boundaries


  • Scenario: Decision-Making in Action​​​

Regulations for School Interpreting

Federal Regulation - IDEA

Add new artifact - Best Scenario of 1-4 from INTR 432 - to the page. Determine it's best placement given which scenario is selected and the existing artifacts of the page.


          [Add paragraph introducing IDEA as a federal regulation. Summarize IEDA's influence on the educational system, collaboration of the Educational Team, and the work of school interpreters.]

State Regulation - [Insert name]


            [Add paragraph introducing state regulation. Summarize the regulation's influence on the educational system, collaboration of the Educational Team, and the work of school interpreters.]

School System

State Standard - [Insert name]


          [Define the "state standard" for your state. If possible, provide a link to these standards.


[Add specific reflection: Discuss how state standards inform the school system and it's practices. Explain why it is important for school interpreters to understand the connection between the standards and the practices. Explain how these standards inform the school interpreter's practice. Provide illustrative examples. Explain how knowledge of  systems and standards demonstrate the associated SIS Competencies and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]

Instructional Assessment


          [Add introductory paragraph summarizing the Instructional Assessment artifact.]



[Add your video and PowerPoint for the Instructional Assessment. Add additional information about this artifact that you feel is relevant for / to site visitors.]

[Add specific reflection: Explain how this artifact demonstrates the associated SIS Competencies and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]

Students & Families


           [Add introductory paragraph summarizing how the student and their family are central to the system and collaboration on the educational team.]

Student Autonomy & Confidence - Recommendations


          [Add specific reflection: Explain why student autonomy and confidence is important to the student, their family, and the school interpreter. Provide 3 recommendations that will help you as the school interpreter support student autonomy and confidence. Explain relevant short-term and long-term outcomes for each recommendation. Explain how these recommendations demonstrates the associated SIS Competencies and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]]

Working & Learning Environments - Advocacy


          [Draw on Discussion 3 from INTR 431, select a script and revise the interpreter's response. Share the student's request and your improved script.]


[Add specific reflection: Explain why a student might make this request, if appropriate relate the explanation back to course topics - like student autonomy and confidence. Explain the considerations and decisions that shaped the script but are not explicitly evident by the script itself. Explain relevant short-term and long-term outcomes of the script. Explain how the script demonstrates the associated SIS Competencies and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]

Respecting Families


            [Explain why school interpreters need to respect families of deaf and hard of hearing students.


[Add specific reflection: Identify 3 ways you can demonstrate respect for families, explain how respect is given through your actions, and describe how you will know your actions were found respectful by families. Explain relevant short-term and long-term outcomes for giving respect to families. Explain how respecting families demonstrate the associated SIS Competencies and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]


[Identify where you can go for guidance on interacting with families of students. Explain why seeking guidance from your identified sources is appropriate and reliable.]



             [Draw on the results of the Myers Briggs - Personality Quiz, your About Me page, and Discussion 4 from INTR 431, explain why school interpreters need to have healthy boundaries with deaf and hard of hearing students and their families.


[Add specific reflection: Based on your Myers Briggs results, identify areas of strength and struggles you may have when creating boundaries with students and parents. Explain why these areas exist and how you might leverage or manage natural tendencies you have personally. Consider various factors (e.g., age, gender, background, upbringing, etc.) influencing your natural tendencies and how they benefit or challenge workplace boundaries. Explain how boundaries demonstrate the associated SIS Competencies and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]


[Identify where you can go for guidance on boundaries with students and their families. Explain why seeking guidance from your identified sources is appropriate and reliable.]

Overarching Reflection


            [Add overarching reflection: Explain what you learn about yourself as both a person and a professional by creating, revising, and compiling the content of this webpage. Where are your strengths and how will these strengths benefit you in your future or current school interpreting work? Where are your shortcoming and how will these shortcomings challenge you in your future or current work? How have you grown in the stated SIS Competencies? Who and what contributed the most to this learning and in what ways? Where do you go from here both in the short- and long-term?]


[If you have received peer or instructor feedback on this webpage or it's artifacts, summarize the feedback. Explain how the feedback impacts the webpage / artifacts and, ultimately, your possession of the stated SIS Competencies, your journey in school interpreting, and your employability and professional brand as a school interpreter. Outline steps you have taken and/or steps you need to take (and when) to make this a showcase webpage / artifacts.]



          [Add reference list for source citations. Follow APA 7th edition.]



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