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Professional Development

This Professional Development webpage demonstrates my active engagement in honing my competence as a school interpreter. Even as a student of interpreting, I already realize the importance of professional development as a foundation of both the interpreting and educational fields. Being an interpreter is being a life long learner (C10).

School Interpreting Series (SIS) Standards

SIS Competency 10

Commit to continued professional development across a range of knowledge and skills sets applied in public schools that moves current practices to higher degrees of competence.

This page includes professional development for:​




This page also includes an overarching reflection.​


EIPA Tests


[Add introductory paragraph summarizing the EIPA and it's associated tests.]


[Add the EIPA Practice Test badge. Add information about the practice test taken (i.e., it's purpose / scope, number of questions, your results, the implications for your results, etc.). Add any additional information about this artifact that you feel is relevant for / to site visitors.]

EIPA: Written

Projected date of completion


May 2024


[Add rationale for the projected date.]


[Add a plan describing your ensured readiness between now and the projected date of the test.]


EIPA: Performance

Projected date of completion


July 2024


[Add rationale for the projected date.]


[Add a plan describing your ensured readiness between now and the projected date of the test.]



[Add specific reflection: Explain how this artifact and projected plan demonstrates the associated SIS Competency and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]

Case Conferencing


[Add introductory paragraph summarizing case conferencing.]


[Add the case conferencing badge. Add additional information about this artifact that you feel is relevant for / to site visitors.]

[Add specific reflection: Explain how this artifact demonstrates the associated SIS Competency and how it contributes to your future or current work as a school interpreter.]

Bridge Activities for Professional Development


[Add introductory paragraph summarizing the PSI Project continued support of your professional development as a school interpreter and practice professional after the conclusion of the SIS courses and beyond graduation. Use information on the PSI Project website, advising meetings, and annual OSEP scholarship meeting to develop the introduction. Make sure to name all activities.]


[Add in a transition from all possible activities to two activities you will explore in depth below. Select two activities.]


[Note: Taking the EIPA for credentialing can not be a selected activity as it's already addressed on this page. If an alternative credential exam is desire, it may be addressed as one of the two bridging activities described below.]

Bridge Activity #1 [Replace with title of activity]


            [Add a specific explanation of this activity based on the information provided to you to date. Highlight how the activity will assist you as you transition from Scholar to Professional as well as how it contributes to your continued professional develop. Include in the explanation how the activity builds upon / extends pervious learning within the SIS curriculum as well as anything you look forward to or is of concern about this activity personally and/or professional.]


[Add a projected completion date, even if it's "fall of 202x."]

Bridge Activity #2 [Replace with title of activity]


            [Add a specific explanation of this activity based on the information provided to you to date. Highlight how the activity will assist you as you transition from Scholar to Professional as well as how it contributes to your continued professional develop. Include in the explanation how the activity builds upon / extends pervious learning within the SIS curriculum as well as anything you look forward to or is of concern about this activity personally and/or professional.]


[Add a projected completion date, even if it's "fall of 202x."]

Overarching Reflection


[Add overarching reflection: Explain how these artifacts demonstrates the associated SIS Competency and how they contribute to your future or current work as a school interpreter.


Explain what you learn about yourself as both a person and a professional by creating, revising, and compiling the content of this webpage. Where are your strengths and how will these strengths benefit you in your future or current school interpreting work? Where are your shortcoming and how will these shortcomings challenge you in your future or current work? How have you grown in the stated SIS Competencies? Who and what contributed the most to this learning and in what ways? Where do you go from here both in the short- and long-term?


If you have received peer or instructor feedback on this webpage or it's artifacts, summarize the feedback. Explain how the feedback impacts the webpage / artifacts and, ultimately, your possession of the stated SIS Competency, your journey in school interpreting, and your employability and professional brand as a school interpreter. Outline steps you have taken and/or steps you need to take (and when) to make this a showcase webpage / artifacts.]



[Add reference list for source citations. Follow APA 7th edition.]



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