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Welcome to the School Interpreting Series template. This template lays out the basic structure of the School Interpreting Website for the whole School Interpreting Series. Edit this template to personalized content of your journey as a school interpreter. 

This icon is used throughout the template to identifies placeholding content (i.e., text, images, etc.) that you will replace with your personalized content. 

This page will include content for the School Interpreting Website's Home (this section) and About Me (the following sections) pages. Review the PSI Project's Resource Center for the specific content of this page. Progressively, you will replace most of the template content with your own content and revise your content making the School Interpreting Website completely yours. 

Empty Classroom


[Home Page: Include a paragraph explaining the goal of / the "why" behind the School Interpreting Website. Use information provided on the Resource Center & Canvas to develop this paragraph.]

About Me



            I'm the PSI Project, a federally funded grant investing in the next generation of school interpreters...[introduce yourself.]

My preferred pronouns: [optional; list]


            This website introduces me through….[Add introductory paragraph highlighting all the content of this page.]

School Interpreting Journey

            [Add content describing your interest in working in the public-school setting and your journey in school interpreting.]

Community Ties

            [Add content describing your ties to relevant communities (e.g., Deaf, interpreting, K-12, etc.]

Academic Background

Major & Minors

ASL - English Interpretation (major)

School Interpreting Series (concentration)

INTR 432

An Interdisciplinary Approach to School Interpreting I

Timeline of course completion...

Personalized description...

INTR 430

Introduction to School Interpreting

Timeline of course completion...

Personalized description...

INTR 433

Communication Assessment for School Interpreting

Timeline of course completion...

Personalized description...

INTR 431

Systems & Structure for School Interpreting

Timeline of course completion...

Personalized description...

INTR 434

An Interdisciplinary Approach to School Interpreting II

Timeline of course completion...

Personalized description...

Myers Briggs

SIS Competency 7

Recognize one's own biases and the potential impacts on the integrity and quality of the interpreting services and on the relationship with other members of the educational team, including students and their families.


[Add content.]


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